Tuesday 12 January 2010

Breakfast Bible in Bed

Cultivate the habit of falling asleep with the Lord's Prayer on your lips every evening when you go to bed and again every morning when you get up. And if occasion, place, and time permit, pray before you do anything else. In this way you get ahead of the devil by surprise and without warning, whether you are ready or not, before he catches up with you and makes you wait. For it is better to pray now, when you are half-ready, than later, when you are not ready at all.

- Martin Luther, quoted by Mark Rogers in "Deliver Us from the Evil One": Martin Luther on Prayer

I find it difficult to stay focused (or awake!) if I try to pray in bed right after I wake up every morning. However, I have been experimenting with reading the Bible in bed right after I wake up every morning and it works like a charm. Not only does it allow me to finish my Old Testament/New Testament/Wisdom reading for the day before I even get out of bed, it actually helps me to get out of bed more easily!


  1. Sounds cool. I might try that myself too, someday! Especially if it helps get me out of bed... Lol

    And your blog is damn chim. Hahaha

  2. haha my blog is only for certain readers... the elect
