Sunday 10 July 2011

The Importance of Baptism

With or without words, baptismal immersion testifies to our identification with the crucified and risen Christ. With words, with the appropriate 'pledge of a clear conscience toward God' (1 Peter 3:21), produced by already existing saving faith, baptism includes a promise to follow Jesus all the days of our lives.

If and when doubts assail us as to whether we truly believed "way back when", we can point to the vows we recited at our baptism. If and when temptations come to turn our backs on Jesus, others have the right and responsibility to ask us, "Are you a person of your word? Are you a promise keeper? You made a sacred oath; are you the kind of person that can be trusted even when the hard times come to be faithful to your covenants?"

- Craig Blomberg, Baptism's No Big Deal, Is It?

From Caleb's blog.

1 comment:

  1. wish I had seen this earlier!
    Had a TZ session today on Baptism!
    ohwell! ^^
