Sunday 11 January 2009

Wall-E world

i came across an article and found out that the writer and director of Wall-E, andrew stanton, is christian.

Well, what really interested me was the idea of the most human thing in the universe being a machine because it has more interest in finding out what the point of living is than actual people. The greatest commandment Christ gives us is to love, but that's not always our priority. So I came up with this premise that could demonstrate what I was trying to say - that irrational love defeats the world's programming. You've got these two robots that are trying to go above their basest directives, literally their programming, to experience love.

With the human characters I wanted to show that our programming is the routines and habits that distract us to the point that we're not really making connections to the people next to us. We're not engaging in relationships, which are the point of living - relationship with God and relationship with other people.

- Andrew Stanton, Interview with WORLD Magazine (28 Jun 08)

And though on the surface Wall-E looks like it's selling the easiest, trendiest message going today - environmentalism - it's too smart for that. True, the foundation for the story is that humanity has left the planet heaped in garbage. But far weightier themes - like how technology distances us from the wonder of creation and how that distance cripples us spiritually - play a bigger role.

In fact, if Stanton criticises people for anything, it's for worship of leisure. Because they live to be cared for rather than to care, the few human beings Wall-E meets have become, to use Stanton's words, giant babies - literally feeding on milk rather than solid food. In contrast, Wall-E, the meek little trash collector, accepts stewardship in a way that people have rejected. And because love springs from service, he comes to love the creatures that inhabit Earth. That's not an environmental message, it's a biblical one.

- Megan Basham, Editorial (28 Jun 08)

it doesn't look like the message of new creation which i took away from the movie was intended, but still.

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