it was my second time at all souls and i thoroughly enjoyed the service, as before. the 30 piece orchestra was a nice touch. hugh palmer preached on discernment in christian liberty, unpacking 1 corinthians 8 (food sacrificed to idols). knowledge puffs up, but love builds up.
1 corinthians is a rather instructive letter which warrants careful study. virtually every chapter is relevant to us, even (especially!) in this day and age.
christchurch london (4pm to 6pm)
it was my first time at a newfrontiers church and i wasn't quite sure what to expect. the service was definitely charismatic, and possibly Charismatic. regardless, i think that denominational differences can and should be accommodated when and where possible - which actually isn't saying much. the point is that all denominations are equally imperfect.
holy trinity brompton (7pm to 8.30pm)
holy trinity was a bit of both all souls and christchurch - think tim hughes leading worship in an anglican church. clearly a very solid church, though i personally found myself more at home in all souls.
random fact: the alpha course started here.
it is important to bear in mind not to date the church, but if you ever happen to be in london on a sunday, why not visit a few churches in the area (hillsong also has a 12.45pm service)?
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