it was nice to proceed at a leisurely pace and catch up with gordon while exploring the campus/city. nottingham games itself went well too. i even found out from one of the other participants that sheffield has an active chess club which trains regularly and plays in a weekly league of sorts. maybe someday...
sidenote: there are loads of singaporeans studying at london universities. apart from the home university, nottingham games might as well have been called london games.
the uk has many wonderful churches, despite not all of them meeting in proper buildings (some of them use school premises, like this one which i visited with gordon and his friend). i haven't been to any of them more than twice and i won't be in york this weekend either, but i always look forward to going to church on sundays.
i'll be in london for temasek seminar (among other plans) this weekend. it'll be my first time in london, hopefully of many!
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