To put it bluntly, some people seem to have damaged Bibles, in which the first two and last two pages have got mysteriously torn off. They start at Genesis 3, because they know all about sin. And they end at Revelation 20, because they know all about the day of judgment. And they have their personal solution to the sin problem and their personal security for the day of judgment, provided of course by the death and resurrection of Jesus. Praise God, I believe that too.
But the Bible has a much bigger story, the story of the whole creation, within which my personal salvation fits. And the Lordship of Christ spans the whole story. So I need to see Him as Lord of my physical environment as well as my spiritual salvation, and behave as His disciple in relation to both.
- Dr Christopher J. H. Wright, The Mission of God and the Task of the Church: Integral Mission and the Great Commission
When He renews the land and sky
All heaven will sing and earth reply
With one resplendent theme
The glory of our God and King